​​A USA has assembled an international team of aerospace leaders to implement our commercial space transportation system. This team provides a wealth of accumulated aerospace knowledge, experience and leadership in space systems development and operations. The EA USA team includes Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Astrium, Paragon Space Development Corporation, JSC NPO Mashinostroyenia (NPOMash), United Space Alliance (USA) and Paragon Space Development Corporation.
The EA USA commercial space transportation system for LEO applications will utilize elements of the flight proven Almaz Reusable Reentry Vehicle (RRV) pressure vehicle, Emergency Escape System (EES), retro-rocket, attitude control subsystem and parachutes, all from NPOMash. Astrium will provide flight proven propulsion subsystems, guidance and navigation and control components. Paragon will provide the Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS) and NASA’s docking system will be used. Lockheed Martin will perform systems engineering and integration leveraging processes tools and lessons learned from NASA’s Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) program.