EA USA's unique attribute to become a successful business is our existing hardware that is compatible with global launch site facilities and with established space flight operations. Engineering studies confirm that our spacecraft can be refurbished and upgraded to modern flight capability for humans and unmanned payloads including safe and reliable launch-to-LEO, which could expand to translunar trajectory. Down-mass potential is extraordinary, exceeding any existing competitor. Our capsules are stand-alone vehicles for many purposes but can also dock with EA stations once in orbit, also with the International Space Station (ISS) and with other vehicles possessing similar docking mechanism. Numerous existing rockets can launch EA capsules and stations including rockets built by US, Russian and conceivably others such as Ukrainian and Japanese companies. Business projections indicate this can be accomplished much more rapidly than the other new commercial space companies and within a time horizon having acceptable risk parameters at a significantly reduced cost.
EA USA has assembled an international team of aerospace leaders to implement our commercial space transportation system. This team provides a wealth of accumulated aerospace knowledge, experience and leadership in space systems development and operations. The EA USA team includes Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Astrium, Paragon Space Development Corporation, JSC NPO Mashinostroyenia (NPOMash), United Space Alliance (USA) and Paragon Space Development Corporation.
The heritage flight hardware from the original Almaz program human rated spacecraft (RRV) performed nine successful re-entries from Low Earth Orbit, including multiple uses of an RRV to prove reusability. The Emergency Escape System was successfully ground tested and more importantly performed an actual emergency abort because of a Proton launch failure. All of the Astrium provided subsystems are either flight proven or derived from heritage flight equipment.